Neighborhood association meetings

Today we had a meeting with the neighbourhood, in summary a perfect place to do not reach any agreement. It’s the perfect situation where 12 parts are not able to align the details of the same goal. It has been a good exercise to try to align all objectives, try to seek in what are … Read more

October & November: budget time

In scope: time for numbers, time for forecasts, time for agrements, time for details, time for defining new scope, time for removing old services, time for welcoming new services, time for closing gaps, time for learning, Out of scope: time for blog and other hobbies almost finished!!!   yuhh juuuu

10 years working

The third of July 2000 I started my first formal job. Ten years later, I was remembering all different things I was doing during this time. The result? this picture. For sure this picture is too simple, but I can remember how difficult was to jump from one black point to the other. The other … Read more

Out of the office messages

These messages uses to contain different data: when they will return, mobile numbers… Some of them include the point of contacts you need in case you need to perform some activity related to the person you have sent the e-mail. You can spend a year trying to understand the way that some teams really work, … Read more

Destroy the 10% of your job

The idea I want to mention today is not something new. You can read tons of literature about it. The stuff is related to the continuous changes we live in our jobs. There’s a rule that google made popular that was the 80/20 rule, where you let 20% of an employee free to let him/her … Read more

The value of the age

Listen the video and find all these words: Understand what has to be done, understand the responsibility of leading a work team during a year, understand that lead a team is not something easy, the trust, work with team, understand young people, share things with them, how to approach, intelligence, to win the thing, compete, … Read more

Christmas time, thinking time,

Time to review the work done, time to think about the new incoming challenges. Time to rest, to sleep, to run, to walk to talk. Coming home is a rest time in the sense of being considered a person without the influence of what you do for work. You just are what you have been … Read more

Accessing to new challenges

There are people that they surf with any type of conditions, there are others than if conditions are not as bad as these, they don’t think on going to the water:However there are other people that they don’t know how to surf with all these type of problems at the same time: wind, water, waves…. … Read more

Parkinson’s Law

I have enjoyed reading this phenomenom named “Parkinson’s Law“, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion” Tomorrow I will use this articule in order to align some behaviours that are not helping the team. In addition, the second sense of the Parkinson’s law: “Data expands to fill the space available … Read more