SalesForce Trailhead Admin Beginner

In November 2015 I completed SalesForce Trailhead Developer Beginner. Now, during Christmas time I was able to complete the main challenges of the Admin beginner. And finally, during January I completed it. To me this course was easier than the one related to development: so much configuration activities and the challenges are easier. The big … Read more

who will buy Salesforce?

This is a buzz that has moved the market after Salesforce jumped 15% in the market: NYSE:CRM. This is just pure speculation exercise, nothing else. I have several questions, who, why, when. Who and why: there are different alternatives, and plausible reasons. These are my bets. Oracle Salesforce is having some inability to make waves … Read more

Avention integrated with SalesForce

Avention provides different corporate services related to information related to companies, which plays a significant role when working with customers, competition… They have Avention for SalesForce, which is integrated in your SalesForce environment and provides directly the data you want to capture. I love it!

SalesForce Vs SharePoint

I have personal aversion on SharePoint and special appreciation on SalesForce. Why? I like the things done in the right way. SalesForce has a strong and aggressive “sales force”, and this is something I do not like too much, but they have a very good product. Their platform is built with a clear projection on … Read more

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