Belbin team roles

The concept of the Dr. R. M. Belbin comes from the recognition that people contribute to a team in a different ways. He described two roles the “Functional Role” and the “Team Role”. The Functional Role describes your experience, your technical skills, your job or the department you head, whereas your Team Role describes a … Read more

I’m late but…

I have been working on an opportunity where I’m really late. We are not going to win this one, but this work is helping me to move some contacts and being recognized by the customer as a vendor that can provide different things apart of the standard things we deliver. So, it’s not summing up … Read more

Innovation, improvement culture

For the customer I work, innovation is more related to an “improvement culture” than other thing. If the its IT environment is improving, they say we are doing daily innovation. They believe that new ideas come from the work on the ground, people doing daily activities and thinking about how to improve the applications, some … Read more


SOPA and PIPA represent two bills in the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate respectively. SOPA is short for the “Stop Online Piracy Act,” and PIPA is an acronym for the “Protect IP Act.” (“IP” stands for “intellectual property.”) In short, these bills are efforts to stop copyright infringement committed by … Read more

FEL phase, assessment exercise, project initiation

Some ones call it project initiation, some others assessment exercise or project, some others FEL phase. In any case it’s related to the study, analysis of a business initiative that wants to be translated to IT activities, organizational actions, investment with the purpose of obtaining business value. Since 2 years ago I have been hardly … Read more

Dogs of the Dow 2011

Summary of this deck that is so useful to build a good portfolio of assets. For 2011 the dogs of dow strategy worked. It is important to see the evolution during 2012, for instance here.

Joomla versions roadmap

I have to make some decisions about the joomla portals I have. Both are in 1.5 and new long term versions are coming. The main reasons to migrate them are easy: Joomla 1.5 reaches its end of life in April 2012. After this point, no more security releases for Joomla 1.5 will be available. The … Read more

El libro rojo de las marcas

Lectura navideña recomendada por Michele. Tal y como Luis Bassat describe en su Web: “253 páginas repletas de verdades sobre cómo construir marcas que funcionen”. Yo añadiría que es un libro muy bien escrito que explica las ideas de una manera clara y que viene acompañado de ejemplos y vivencias que no se olvidan.

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