What google knows about you

The love-hate relationship I have with Google made me to do a list of where it is, 1. Location history If you work with Android, check that you are not transferring data. It could be the case that your phone is sending data about your location, times, speed, distances done, etc… maps.google.com/locationhistory 2. The whole … Read more


msconfig opens the Microsoft Configuration Utility. I do this simple note to remember this fact.

Reading to learn

I use to learn with the resources I have available. One of them is too simple and effective, and it is just read good examples of the real life. When I was developer I used to read code. When I was analyst I used to read requirement documents, function analysis, and technical analysis. During my … Read more

Interesting week

So much meetings, write documents between meeting slots, good learning about tools and solutions I didn’t know, good advance in the main projects we have, some administrative staff solved and some team conflicts gone. I should be happy, but I’m just tired. First time it didn’t work so much well, but second time it was … Read more

Licence to Operate for project management

License to operate is a quality mechanism for improving aspects such driving, performance, delivery… I have seen these LTO rules in aeronautic industry, where the #hours, people and effort is huge and where the Cost of lack of quality is high. They have training courses to reinforce knowledge (earning points); people losing the license have … Read more

SharePoint templates

Coming back to SharePoint world after one month without thinking on it. Some necessary research about resources that potentially can enable us to advance in the construction of real solutions for our client. Source: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/windowsserver/sharepoint/bb407286.aspx The most interesting for me are: Manufacturing Process Management The Manufacturing Process Management application template helps teams to model and … Read more

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