Which group do you belong to?

Today I read this quote, and by some reasons it has not been a good day to read it: “There are two kinds of people, those who do the work and those who take the credit. Try to  be in the first group; there is less competition there.”

Migrating Lotus Notes Apps on the Cloud with Force.com

Here a tutorial video of 16 minutesthat is so helpful to understand this migration process. The steps for moving the application are: Re-create data model Create Forms Move data Create Workflow Create complex business logic For step #3, they propose 3 tools Apex Data Loader (through CVS conversion) Cloud Converter (LN, Access, Oracle) Detachlt (focused … Read more

SAP Business ByDesign

I have had the opportunity during these last weeks to work on a proposal around this solution. This solution is the cloud based ERP for mid-size market, apparently in competition with MS-Dynamics AX solution. Some aspects I would like to remind are: 1.- The Business by Design Configurator tool, http://www.sapconfigurator.com/sapcfg/build/index.html?cntry=de2&lang=en&a=ByD&campaign=CRM-XK10-DES-DEFCONFIG The tool is very intuitive … Read more


Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) A calculation of a company’s cost of capital in which every source of capital is weighted in proportion to how much capital it contributes to the company. For example, if 75% of a company’s capital comes from stock and 25% comes from debt, measuring the cost of capital weights … Read more

Capabilities & Credibility

You have a sales catalogue, know people who perform some of these solutions and the people behind this delivery. But with respect your customer, do you have the necessary credibility? has your customer confidence on your acquired commitments? The capabilities of your company can be bad or good, but they will be there for a … Read more

Small town big hell

There is a Japanese proverb which says “small town big hell”. Comes to mean that in one environment everyone know each other; and therefore know who’s boss, who was afraid of him, whom he respected, who laugh, who say nothing. Big communities, big companies, big neighbourhoods are composed by small circles that are similar to … Read more

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