Divestiture means keep silent

Divestiture, Merge, acquisition… words that are added to some of the activities that a customer comment to you. You receive it as a business as usual, but you have to know that you probably are one of the guys that only have listened about it. When this happens, the first thing that has to go … Read more

Cobit, a way to track decisions

COBIT is seen by some IT people as a new trend and something we all should have in our organizations, bla, bla, bla… But, who promotes COBIT or other governance models? The answer is easy: The business. They are fed up of spending money on IT transformations, changes of provider, investments on pilots, and any … Read more

Animal Trail, Sierra de las Nieves

Ayer estuve corriendo la modalidad corta de este trail (23 kms) que transcurre por la sierra de las Nieves, en Málaga. El recorrido es precioso, casi todo el tiempo debajo de árboles y por senderos, genial para no iniciados, ya que las cuestas son cortas y el desnivel se reparte a lo largo de toda … Read more

Liar’s Poker

The right book for the right time and the right place. A book that is written in a very direct way with ironic sense of the descriptions and that keeps to engaged till the end, perfect for a 9 hours flight.

Visiting NYC

Every time I visit NYC there are two things that are on my to-do list. The first one is looking for shoes as here there are more options than at home. The second one is to visit a book store and spend there at least 2 – 3 hours. In my bag there is always … Read more

Open source Vs Proprietary software

I read some while ago this article about the use of “Open as a weapon“. This article and its thoughts came to my mind during these last couple of weeks when there have been a couple of security issues happening more or less at the same time. I’m referring to Open SSL heart bleed vulnerability. … Read more

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