Year 3
This year 3 my goal is to focus on the swing trading and the acquisition of knowledge and experience on this type of trading.
This Q2 is the continuation of Q1.
Year 3, Quarter 2
As usual these are the goals for this quarter, following the V2MOM model:
- Vision: advance on market timing trading knowledge, promote DREAM.
- Values: have fun, learn a lot, do practices and more practices.
- Method: learn about market trading mechanisms, build the content to promote DREAM.
- Obstacles: Time.
- Measures:
- Read one book.
- Long term strategy:
- 3 podcasts listened every week, this will be a total of around 39 hours of podcasts.
- Read at least 13 earning reports.
- Keep track of the portfolio in a weekly basis.
- Avoid in-day trading.
- Market Timing
- Write down the tactic and the tables of indicators.
- Build a template with all data related to a thesis.
- Define a plan to promote DREAM.
- Generate content to promote DREAM.
Death line = 30/June/2020
Results (July, 2020)
- Read 1 books.
- Done.
- 3 podcasts listened every week, this will be a total of around 39 hours of podcasts = 49 hours.
- have a tactic plan:
- Carter EMA 8/21, the back test results are not good.
- PQT-2 system working on test for TROW
- MACD system working on test for TROW
- Read at least 13 earning reports (partially done, I missed 3).
- Keep track of the portfolio in a weekly basis.
- Build a web site: place, information on the site (done).
- Advertise the site (done): linkedin, twitter, medium, invertirenbolsa, cazadividendos.
- Avoid in-day trading (done).