Using Machine Learning to predict the S&P 500 price change, using the dark pool indicators Dix and Gex

This is the first version of an analysis I wanted to perform with the main purpose of learning. By this reason I have limited the number of input data and operations to the minimum. To do something different I will be looking for correlations between the two main dark pool indexes: DIX and GEX Indexes. … Read more

Pepsi and Gazpacho, a Wardley map reviewing some decisions around this product

This post is a combination of a “Peter Lynch” personal view using Wardley maps to reflect some of the things I discovered around Pepsi and its Alvalle brand. Background Alvalle is a brand acquired by Pepsi in 1999. They basically produce Gazpacho and Salmorejo (the original recipe comes from Córdoba, Andalusia). Both recipes are very … Read more

Uptime platform

The reason I like this type of solutions I studied electronic engineering and at the end of the degree I did a project to obtain the grade related to maintenance in an industry factory. I implemented a solution based on Lotus Notes where you could schedule the preventive maintenance activities, track the incidents, the inventory, … Read more

Notes about convolutional neural networks

Let’s start with Wikipedia: In deep learning, a convolutional neural network (CNN, or ConvNet) is a class of deep neural network, most commonly applied to analyze visual imagery. The name “convolutional neural network” indicates that the network employs a mathematical operation called convolution. The convolutional networks are a specialized type of neural networks that use convolution … Read more

Windpower numbers in 2020

I discovered this initiative in 2018 and I would like to check the figures from time to time. The full 2020 report is here:

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