For this quarter I am going to stop investing time on Estuarine Mapping and I’m going to focus on The Emergent Strategy, written by Alejandro Salazar.
The plan
So the V2MOM for this quarter will be:
- Vision: Learn about The Emergent strategy.
- Values: Read the book, watch videos where Alejandro explains the concepts behind it, find similarities and differences with other authors. Increase the audience of Mapas.
- Method: Build a set of courses options.
- Read,
- Organize, prepare and celebrate workshops.
- Obstacles:
- Time and fatigue.
- Measures:
- At least 2 books read.
- At least 3 workshops done around Mapas (1 by month).
Death line = 30/June/2024
The results (July 2024)
- Failed again, I just read 1 book: The Emergent Strategy.
- Taller Práctico con CPS Spain (2 sessions).
- Event: Wardley Maps about MAD 2024.
- Event: MapCamp Contest.