The career upgrade roadmap

This book basically convinces you to change the way to find the job you want. The difference with others I have read is that it proposes you a specific approach with clear steps you have to follow. One of the main messages is that if you send CVs on any job board, you will compete … Read more

DevOps y el camino de baldosas amarillas

Este libro llegó a mis manos mientras buscaba un libro que hablara de DevOps de una forma sencilla y práctica. Así que lo compré y lo leí en un par de días. El libro se lee muy rápido y es porque Juan José escribe como habla, y no añade ningún giro que complica entender los … Read more

The Goal

I just finished to read this novel written by Eliyahu Goldratt and Jeff Cox. Independently if you work on Manufacturing industry or not, this book reviews fundamental basis related to theory of constraints, methods to manage a supply chain. I specially like the way the team started to think about the process of making themselves … Read more

Beyond Basketball

Summertime, summer books, and this late summer during a visit to the Barnes & Noble store in NYC I took this book. One chapter, one word, this is how the book is organized, looking for the deeper meaning that these words have for him and remembering some stories related to basketball. Spectacular achievements are always … Read more

Qué hacer con tus miedos

Este libro lo descubrí cuando su autor lo estuvo presentando en la radio. Me atrajo la idea de los ejercicios prácticos y las técnicas comentadas para poder salir de la zona de confort y trabajar tus emociones. Después de leerlo, me han convencido mucho más la primera parte donde se describen los tipos de miedo, … Read more

La sociedad del cansancio

Vi este libro en una noticia de un diario y lo compré casi impulsivamente. Más que un libro me parece un ensayo, tanto por la extensión como por la forma de escribirlo. Me parece un buen ensayo, pero no me parece un libro. Invita a leerlo conjuntamente con más personas y reflexionar sobre los puntos … Read more

Why Strategy matters, capabilities-driven Strategy

I found this series of 3 videos in Strategy& (just 16 minutes) Part 1: Why strategy matters, Part 2: Take your strategy from paper to pavement, Part 3: Transform your company and your industry. This launched me to look for Capabilities-Driven Strategy: It’s June, I finished the book, I liked the examples and the differentiation … Read more

Red and me, Bill Russel

I was doing my visit to the Barnes & Noble store and I found this book, read some pages randomly and I decided to buy it. The behavior principles of a person, the way to evolve in a relationship with a person who came from a different world, team management, leadership, respect, how to align … Read more

Machiavelli, The Prince

I have just finished this book. So many people recommend The Art of War as an excellent reference for learning about the strategic and tactician principles. This book makes something similar at leadership and management point of view. As human behavior has really not changed so much on some basic behaviors, these lessons are still … Read more