Change Management with Prosci

Prosci is a change management methodology. Change is the only thing permanent in every space and hence there is change management in every space I have worked: PMP, Scrum, SAFe, ITIL… The purpose of this post is to review the basis and compare with other methodologies/models I know. Prosci methodology Prosci Methodology is composed right … Read more

Changing incentives

The incentives are present in many ways and it’s the lever that companies use to foster the values and behaviors they are waiting from their employees. These cartoons were created by Google employee Manu Cornet and they triggered Satya Nadella (Microsoft’s CEO). The need of doing something to solve it was clear, the sense of urgency was … Read more

Change behaviors

This is a list of changes I have done and I should do. I DECREASED OR STOPPED USING Facebook (once a week only). LinkedIn (once a day only). Twitter (once a day only) Television (since 2012). Sugar (no sugar at home since 2016) Limited the fried food (since 2007) Smartphones during meals (removed since October … Read more

100 days plan for strategic alignment

I was recently asked about how to plan an strategic alignment between business and IT initiatives, where there should be a focus on the: Follow-up and efficiency of projects initiatives. Track of benefits realization. Portfolio plan where we all can understand the dependencies of the IT projects and impacts on business. Improve the level of … Read more

Funny situation, the queen of ambiguity

This is the excellent e-mail I have received today about a problem of a project: ——————————————–Hello, we’ve a big problem with the project XXXX. In module YYY the basis functionality isn’t covered. The users need the possibility to filter on every field. As John (joapen: John belong to my team no to customer’s team) explained … Read more

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