Sales complaints against the new CRM solution

With SalesForce recently implemented as CRM solution in the organization, I have seen the two major teams complaining about the situation: Business department (sales), argues that the solution itself is not useful, and that it does not cover all sales needs of the sales people. IT organization, argues that the capabilities that exist in the … Read more

Rudnitsky sales playbook

Business insider reminds us these useful rules that appear in the book behind the cloud; these are the 11 sales rules from David Rudnitsky: “Think BIG, Have Attitude”: Think big (dollars and scope), not just the immediate opportunity in front of you. Behave as if your company is big, even if it’s not. Salesforce’s average … Read more

Provide discovery for free

IT consulting companies provide a wide portfolio of solutions where there are basically a discovery phase and an implementation phase. I’m referring to consulting areas, not to products that reproduce reports based on input information. Some companies give it for free. The two main arguments are simple: If you understand in deep the problem your … Read more

Organizational charts

Every time a new organizational chart arrives to your e-mail, you take your time to read, understand the political moves, the roles identified on it and the evolution of the people within that organization. For me this is the main use of this communication tool, the rest is secondary. Well, secondary? from the political savvy … Read more

IT Portfolio manager, role and responsibilities

The role Monitoring and reporting on the various accounts under the portfolio. The primary focus is on the financial management (P & L Owner and Financial Forecasting) of these accounts and the delivery is done aligned successfully (projects, services and customer satisfaction). Enable Growth of Applications business, cross & up sell offerings in existing and … Read more

Sales and product life-cycle

Today I was reading a huge amount of documentation related to business processes and I had some time to organize some ideas, so I tried to draw it to clarify myself getting some ideas from some pictures I have seen. They can be wrong, please correct me I need to learn!

Where is the money?

During last years there is a clear change of trend about the IT expenditure. The reality is that big portion of IT expenditure is done outside of the IT departments. It is done in other departments (Sales & marketing, engineering, HHRR, finance, laboratory). IT departments are mainly focused on the investments on major common platforms, … Read more

Mobility cannot be sold as stand alone solution

Mobile applications for corporations is a complex business. The decisions are being taken into so much perspectives and the situation of each company also has a big influence on it. The real question is not how to sell mobile solutions, the right question is how mobile solutions are purchased. Connectivity and web access, some years … Read more

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