Facebook autoplay, more revenue for telcos

Telecom companies are so happy with the digital and mobile consumption (digital TV, facebook, whatssup…..), and when they cannot be more happy, some of the social networks comes and make them even happier. The last chapter was written by facebook and its new “autoplay” feature. The users scroll down on facebook and the videos start … Read more

eTalks – The Secrets of Food Marketing

eTalks – The Secrets of Food Marketing This is a 6:58 minutes video about marketing and how they manage the behavior in their favor for achieving their goals. The conclusion is ingenious: the power of willful ignorance cannot be overstated. On my side I continue trying to eat as much organic food from local people … Read more

Empty inbox

I use the inbox as a to-do list for all e-mails I have to do something. I have another to-do lists, but this takes so much of the weekly activities. I fight against it as so much people do, and I organize my agenda based on objectives, being the e-mail as something that happens and … Read more

Thinking about a wandering life

Sometimes I think about how much “wondering” I am in a given moment, how ready I am for packing and going to any other place. Sometimes I see my self as an old guy who misses the home even when I still have not done any move to anyplace. Some other times I see myself … Read more

Open source Vs Proprietary software

I read some while ago this article about the use of “Open as a weapon“. This article and its thoughts came to my mind during these last couple of weeks when there have been a couple of security issues happening more or less at the same time. I’m referring to Open SSL heart bleed vulnerability. … Read more

Ante el vicio de pedir, la virtud de no dar

This is a Spanish saying very used on some circumstances of daily life, specially on a work environment. I have not found a similar translation of this saying in English, but I’m sure there is one. The best translation I can do is: “In the vice of asking, have the virtue of not giving”. The … Read more

They were happy and they did not know it

“They were happy and they did not know it.”, this sentence is used by a friend who also works on IT industry. He uses it in some specific circumstances, which ones? If you work with people, you know their role, the position they have in the company, how they are respected by others, etc. On … Read more