“Thinking fast and slow” in companies: how to use systems 1 and 2 proposed by Daniel Kahneman to find out prevailing doctrines in an organization

Thinking fast and slow It’s the title of a book written by Daniel Kahneman. Actually it’s a thesis on decision making and behavior when making decisions of an economic and social nature … Daniel Kahneman worked for many years alongside his colleague Amos Tversky. They studied many heuristics. Daniel won the Nobel Prize in economics in 1992 and … Read more

Year 4, Q3 books

During Q2 I’d been learning about Machine Learning on Kaggle. This quarter, and taking into account all things happened with my son Ariel (he had his heart operation), I have decided to focus on the writing a couple of books I have in my mind: One notebook about Wardley maps. One book about all happened with Ariel … Read more

Pepsi and Gazpacho, a Wardley map reviewing some decisions around this product

This post is a combination of a “Peter Lynch” personal view using Wardley maps to reflect some of the things I discovered around Pepsi and its Alvalle brand. Background Alvalle is a brand acquired by Pepsi in 1999. They basically produce Gazpacho and Salmorejo (the original recipe comes from Córdoba, Andalusia). Both recipes are very … Read more

Why is important DevOps for an organization that wants to implement Machine Learning initiatives?

Machine Learning projects come with a lot of complexity in terms of organization and this type of projects are not just to be a challenge for the consumption of infrastructure services, but it’s going to be a challenge to the ability of the organization to deliver in a reasonable speed. Let’s start with some basis … Read more

Is tourism coming back to Seville?

The purpose of this article is to analyze how the decisions to come back to travel and visit the city of Seville (Spain) is being made in a volume that enables the local businesses to start up the reopening of their businesses.