OpenAI’s Foundry

This post is a second version of the map drawn on the post Microsoft, Google, Chat GPT, Bard and other things. The pricing table Last week a pricing deck of OpenAI models have been leaked, and it’s an interesting information to understand what is potentially coming on the prompt industry. So in a nutshell: How … Read more

Digital sovereignty borders

Coming from the post published by Simon Wardley Digital Sovereignty, I was thinking about some way to look at the situation at the right perspective. So here they come some initial toughs about what potentially could come. In my last post Government and Facebook conflicts, I point to some basic conflicts between governments and Facebook. … Read more

Wardley maps, the payment war in the mobile app ecosystem

On this post I want to review several types of gameplays that Simon Wardley proposes on his book.  This post is the first one of entries I want to write about gameplays used in Wardley maps. I would like to write about simple examples that enable people to understand how the gameplays work and enable … Read more

Google Could map

Google is building another sub-sea cable to improve their capabilities with Alcatel.…o-south-africa Below, a map of the current situation, not bad, isn’t it? The key aspect of all this is the space-division multiplexing (SDM) technology. To summarize how powerful it is: In 1858, Queen Victoria sent the first transatlantic telegram to U.S. President James … Read more

Google Merchant Center

Google approach can be seen in so many angles, to me the example of the tactics used on flights booking services is a good example: first absorb the data, second provide it from removing the need of the third party. Merchant Center follows the same road map. Today, you spend money advertising on ad … Read more

Google, making search more secure

This official announcement, talks about the fact that the default search experience for signed-in users will be delivered under SSL. What is the impact? People working on their web sites use to utilize this data to optimize their sites; with this move this data will not be available for them (as the majority search with … Read more

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