My PMO does not work

The PMO creation approach is clear for me, I have read 2 books about this process and we are working on a new PMO. Nevertheless, now we are facing the change of an existing PMO that is not working properly. Thanks to Glen Alleman’s recommendation I bought this book: The Handbook of Program Management, James T. Brown

This book has a chapter named “Chaos to Clarity”, that has been very helpful for the approach we have used in our solution.

For the preparation of this solution the help of our account executive has been decisive, the knowledge of the client and its environment has been very helpful.

The definition we did about their business needs, their objectives, vision, and processes to change was very good and clear. This wise move, were exactly what we needed to get the customer listening our solution, they recognized that with the few information we had the vision of the problem was clear for us.

After that we showed our solution and they agree to work with it.

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