MS-SharePoint – Default language for first-time user cannot be German?

In the system we are developing, the default language for user which are using first time the system must be German.

At the moment it’s English.​

It looks that this can’t be modified through SharePoint (link). First SharePoint checks if the user already selected a preferred language, if not it is taking the preferred language out of the browser and at last it is taking the language settings out of the site collection.

Summary out of the link:

SharePoint Server 2010 selects the language in which to display pages of a site collection by using the first rule that applies from the following list:

  1. Does the user have a preferred language for this site collection on this computer? If so, use the user’s preferred language.
  2. Is the language preference that is specified in the Web browser one of the supported languages for the page? If so, use the preferred language of the browser.
  3. Otherwise, use the default, primary language for the site collection.​

Definitely this is not fun,


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