Reward and recognition rules

A reward can be simply defined as a financial or not-financial award that reflects the recognition to a good performance at work. Having said that, the road to obtain these rewards is a complex process full of written and non written rules that needs to be known. These are some of these mistakes and tips … Read more

Visit Customers, real life

I had a basketball coach that always repeated to us: One game is equivalent to five training sessions, you guys are more concentrated and pay more attention to all, the productivity you have is huge. The evolution of the players just training is poor, this is not real life. This was the reason because he … Read more

Aventuras y desventuras del chico centella

I have enjoyed this book a lot, funny familiar stories between annecdotes and historic information about how a US was evolving during these years. The way the book is written and the ironic tone is excellent, and made I had a good time reading it.

Joomla 2.5 Language Switcher

The problem I had was that the language switcher plug-in was not showing the flags. The way to enable that the language switcher plug-in works, I have followed these steps: 1. Enable required plug-ins and modules. (Extensions -> Plug-in Manager) -> enable : System – Language Filter (Extensions -> Module manager) -> enable : Language … Read more

The art of waiting

You plan things, work hard during months and suddenly after a while an opportunity appears, a train you don’t want to lose. Reach this point you do your bet and then you have to wait, some days, some weeks, some months. During the decision making process for this deal, that affects personally to you, there … Read more

Changing the direction of the trend

We finished the year with less revenue than budgeted. These are not good news but the positive evolution in terms of new deals and recently signed contracts is doing the behaviour to be better for this first half of the year than expected (or budgeted if you want). There are some basic reasons: We are … Read more

It’s easter, we’re closed

Our Application services are very simple in the way they are organized: critical services and key services. The first category are covered 24×7 and 365 days. The second ones are just 8×5 on working days. The rule is simple: what service do you want to pay? just pick one. This year the finance closing period … Read more

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