La sociedad del cansancio

Vi este libro en una noticia de un diario y lo compré casi impulsivamente. Más que un libro me parece un ensayo, tanto por la extensión como por la forma de escribirlo. Me parece un buen ensayo, pero no me parece un libro. Invita a leerlo conjuntamente con más personas y reflexionar sobre los puntos … Read more

Zurmo non-sent e-mails

When I do massive use of a campaign, I have sometimes the problem that some e-mails are not sent. There is not user report that enables you to get them, so I have gone through phpMyAdmin to find and analyze them. The table used are: 1.- e-mail messages not sent: SELECT * FROM `emailmessage` WHERE … Read more

Six Sigma DMAIC Vs Toyota Production system principles

  Learning about lean principles, I finish myself looking into different Toyota Production System principles reading about concepts, culture and behavior. I started this diagram to remind these concepts and link them with a well-known methodology to me: Six-Sigma. Any mistake? Any suggestion to add?

Gemba attitude in situational awareness

Gemba Japanese term means “the real place”, in business  “the place where value is created”. To solve a problem, you have to go to the “Gemba” or to the workplace, the machine, the plant, … the place where the root cause of a problem is happening. The combination of Kaizen & Gemba are clear: continuous … Read more

Too much data will not improve business strategy for most companies

I need to remind this post of Simon Wardley’s blog which contains a great explanation of how to define a strategy, how to assess it. “Situational awareness: the strategy always starts from WHERE, then you can clearly articulate WHY you are making a specific choice.” “Using visual representation (the board, the map) to articulate encounters … Read more

Wine box

Wine box done during a rainy Saturday morning. The next “do it yourself” will be based on this fantastic project:

Digital Marketing Services

This is the situation we are living during last couple of years: You go to Linkedin and you will find the traditional Marketing companies hiring a good bunch of UX specialists, developers, mobile architects, sdlc project managers… IT companies are acquiring marketing agencies, and adding new practice to their consulting portfolio. Big corporations are defining … Read more

Why Strategy matters, capabilities-driven Strategy

I found this series of 3 videos in Strategy& (just 16 minutes) Part 1: Why strategy matters, Part 2: Take your strategy from paper to pavement, Part 3: Transform your company and your industry. This launched me to look for Capabilities-Driven Strategy: It’s June, I finished the book, I liked the examples and the differentiation … Read more

Fitness ball

I continue making changes in the way I work, this time a change in the office for improve the ergonomic aspects of my day to day. Before start, to find the right size for a 192 cm person was not easy at all. The second hurdle was to blow-up with the right pressure so the … Read more

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