S&P Predictions

The beginning On August 3rd 2018 I wrote about some behaviors of S&P. These behaviors and my desire to develop reports to understand trends at monthly level took me to draw this figure the same day: How things happened in the calendar At the end of August I took the decision that I was going … Read more

Program management skills

Reading the Standard for Program Management book and other sources of data for program management I found something interesting about the skills that a program manager has to have. You will find in the main lists of skills things like: Communications skills, stakeholders engagement skills, leadership skills, change management skills, Leading with ambiguity, analytical skills, … Read more

Program Activities

Program activities are tasks and work conducted to support a program and which contribute throughout the program life cycle. The program activities that support program management and governance include: Program Change Management, Program Communications Management, Program Financial Management, Program Information Management, Program Procurement Management, Program Quality Management, Program Resource Management, Program Risk Management, Program Schedule … Read more

Program Life Cycle Management

Program Life Cycle Management performance domain facilitates effective program definition, program delivery, and program closure. These components may include projects, subsidiary programs, and additional program-related activities that are necessary to achieve the specified goals and objectives. Since programs, by nature, involve a certain level of uncertainty, change, complexity, and inter-dependency among the various components, it … Read more

Program Governance

Program governance, enables and performs program decision making, establishes practices to support the program, and maintain program oversight. comprises the framework, functions, and processes by which a program is monitored, managed, and supported in order to meet organizational strategic and operational goals. Program Manager, has management responsibilities to ensure that the program is run within the … Read more

Program Stakeholder Engagement

What is a stakeholder? A stakeholder is an individual, group, or organization that may affect, be affected by, or perceive itself to be affected by a decision, activity, or outcome of a project, program, or portfolio. Balancing stakeholder interests is important, considering their potential impact on program benefits realization or the inherent conflicting nature of … Read more

Program benefits management

This performance domain defined in the Standard for Program Management guide is composed by the following sections you can see below: Main concepts reviewed in the guide Through the program delivery, the program components are planned, developed, integrated and managed, to facilitate the delivery of the intended program benefits. Benefits are essential part of program’s … Read more

Program strategy alignment

Program strategy alignment is a program performance domain that is initiated during the program definition phase with the development of the business case, program charter and program roadmap, supported with the inputs from environmental assessments and program risk management strategy. The effort results in the development of a program management plan that is aligned with … Read more

Program Charter

The program charter formally expresses the organization’s vision, mission and benefits expected to be produced by the program. It also defines program-specific goals and objectives in alignment with the organization’s strategic plan and in support of the business case. Key elements of a program charter are scope assumptions constraints high-level risks high-level benefits goals and … Read more

Program business case

A documented economic feasibility study, this is, in a nutshell what a program business case is. The business case is used to establish validity of benefits to be delivered by a program. The business case: Is developed to assess the program’s investment against the intended benefits. Links the organization’s strategic plan and the program management, … Read more

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