
The graphic below summarizes the checks used to generate the Snowflake. The remainder of this document explains each in detail and the analysis used in the Management screen. Sources: I use this post for my memory, so I can review it from time to time. Share Price vs. Fair Value has an indicator called: Share Price vs. Fair Value I love it, it allows me to simplify so many things. It’s shown as (stock used Allianz (ALV)): The chart is nice and simple to understand, but the important thing is how the Fair value is calculated, How is the Fair Value calculated on … Read more

Trading on stock market Year 2

After trading with crypto-currencies and obtaining some learns I have created a Robinhood account, which I want to use to continue learning but on a different environment. Following the V2MOM model: Vision: built my own tactics and habits that enable me to trade in a way that I earn some money in a systematic way. The … Read more

DIX and GEX momentum

These 2 indexes have performed some changes the last 3 days that makes me think about the market momentum. DIX has decreased from 43.5% to 38.2% in just 3 days. GEX has done the opposite move

cPanel Price Increase

I just received an e-mail from a personal web hosting where they announce me that they are increasing 1$ a month the price as CPanel has changed their licensing structure. Anyone is having the same issue? I mean, your webhosting is passing the price increase to you as end customer. Dear Joaquin, Recently, cPanel announced … Read more

Red Electrica Española (REE)

Some notes related to Red Electrica Española (REE) 21 – November – 2019 Positive things found: It’s a moat. Protected by the government. Defensive company with good fundamentals. good dividend >5%, dividend growth 5Y 6,75%, so chowder rule >10% Negative things found: CEO is a politician that was minister and now they have given this … Read more

negative and positive skew tendency

One of the most interesting things that I read on Systematic trading by Robert Carver is the tendency that a trader can have when doing his transactions. The concept Basically when you are completing a long-short action (completed transaction), ideally you will have positive outcomes and negative outcomes. If you accumulate all these results and … Read more

Chowder rule

I have just realized about this guy named Chowder. He has a guidance method to guide your investments and create habits that enable you to increase the value of your equity. It starts with basic rules and they increase their complexity with respect you go in deep. Portfolio diversification Use the Morning Star classification based … Read more

General Mills (GIS)

Some notes related to General Mills (GIS) 1 – November – 2019 Positive things found Strong hand buying (Konkorde indicator) Cheap by fundamentals PE=16 Stable volatility. Negative things found Cyclical consumer business, now on the low side of cycle. Actions: Buy at 51,25$ (Done) Take a look on the channel Sell on 54$ 15 – … Read more

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