Building an app on

Thanks to Mark Craddock I discovered that basically enables the people writing machine learning code in python to show the charts, diagrams and tables not on the console but on a web page, so others can easily read the information. I have some code done in Google Colab and it’s great environment for getting … Read more

Using Machine Learning to predict the S&P 500 price change, using the dark pool indicators Dix and Gex

This is the first version of an analysis I wanted to perform with the main purpose of learning. By this reason I have limited the number of input data and operations to the minimum. To do something different I will be looking for correlations between the two main dark pool indexes: DIX and GEX Indexes. … Read more

Open-source Twitter Intelligence

I continue being curious about OSINT, and I found this project named Open-source Twitter Intelligence in GIT Hub . It’s a set of code that do scraping on Twitter without using Twitter’s API, allowing you to scrape a user’s followers, following, Tweets and more. Apparently Twitter’s API has some limits and this approach avoid them. It’s written in … Read more

Open-source intelligence, first try

Leyendo documentación sobre seguridad y tratando de entender como se ponen en práctica los conceptos de OSINT, encontré un vídeo sencillo de como usar para rastrear correos electrónicos y sus contraseñas: Me pareció curioso probarlo, de manera que encontré un hueco días más tarde. Los pasos que di esta vez han sido: Instalar python 3.6. He … Read more

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