Capabilities Vs Assets

There is a common mistake we all do sometimes, and it’s to confuse capabilities and assets when developing an strategy. Assets (brands, facilities, patterns, customer connections, cash…) cannot be center of the strategy of a company. If the assets should be the primary component of a strategy, then any successful company just have to re-invest … Read more

How to play the game, position and move

Position and move are essential information you need to put in place a strategy. The strategy is put in place through attacking and defensive actions. In this case, the customer wants to reduce the number of vendors on IT space. We have classified the different vendors depending if they are tier-1, tier-2, tier-3. The picture … Read more

Twitter Vs Facebook

Twitter just announced that they are removing the 140 characters for direct messages. To me as user this means they become a clone of Facebook. Which of the main things you do in Facebook cannot be done in Twitter? Facebook did a move adding the possibility of replying to replies, so the replies are more … Read more

The essential advantage, coherence

The essential advantage defines coherence as a resolute, clear minded focus in a company on three critical elements: Its way to play its most distinctive capabilities its lineup of products and services The better aligned these three elements, the more coherent company. There are four basic, specific, observable ways in which coherence generates value. Effectiveness … Read more

Contract structure

This post talks about contracts = Points to remind: Good contract structure small and structured contracts Poor contract structure Large contract covering many uncharted components Highly common to cause highly structured processes to be applied to uncharted components. Large cost overruns.

DIY Strategy / culture

I found this site through twitter, Why “Faster Than 20″? Complex social change typically requires at least 20 years. The cynical explanation is that it requires a generation to die off and a new generation to take over before the mindset and corresponding structural shifts can take place. In other words, the bottleneck is … Read more

Strategy & basketball

The military background and the relationship / passion for strategy is something that comes from so many centuries ago: Sun Tzu, Napoleon… Just in case you do not know, but some of the best coaches of NCAA in the USA comes from the army. I’m referring to a generation of military people who left the … Read more

Gemba attitude in situational awareness

Gemba Japanese term means “the real place”, in business  “the place where value is created”. To solve a problem, you have to go to the “Gemba” or to the workplace, the machine, the plant, … the place where the root cause of a problem is happening. The combination of Kaizen & Gemba are clear: continuous … Read more

Too much data will not improve business strategy for most companies

I need to remind this post of Simon Wardley’s blog which contains a great explanation of how to define a strategy, how to assess it. “Situational awareness: the strategy always starts from WHERE, then you can clearly articulate WHY you are making a specific choice.” “Using visual representation (the board, the map) to articulate encounters … Read more