How Project Managers are assigned

Usually, project managers are assigned to a project from the beginning to the end. This strategy has its advantages as continuity and strenght relationships with stakeholders. However, there are other ways to assign project managers. A program manager should consider assigning a more senior PM for the kick-off or initiation phase of a project to … Read more

Stakeholder Management

Some lines extracted from The handbook of Program Management by James T Brown. Stakeholder management involves everything necessary to control relationships with all individuals the program impacts or affects in order to ensure the achievement of program objectives. Program managers must mentor & coach projects managers in terms of stakeholder management. “Hell hath no fury … Read more

Peer reviews

How useful they are, this is all I can tell you today 🙂 . There are thousand of methods to ensure your delivery: check-list, best practices…. but other necessary step of this process is to say “…eh man, can you have a look to this plan?…” I always try to do it, and today I … Read more

My project is delaying more and more!!!

As you probably know, that’s what you can listen in more projects that you expect. I have seen how people look at the planning asking themselves “why the project does not run as expected??. They perform continuous analysis of EV, SPI, CPI…. Sometimes, they check the estimation to reduce other tasks that are not affected … Read more

Capacity Management

I continue trying to improve the vision I have on the ITIL life cycle model. Today I have reviewed the role of the capacity manager. It’s supposed it is a strong technical infrastructure role that: Understands future resource needs, delivering these needs through a capacity plan (similar complexity to a project definition). This plan can … Read more

Pitchers & Catchers

As in beisbol, in your team you can have good pitchers and good catchers. In this case I define a pitcher as the person with a high proactive attitude who follows the team to perform the activities and that creates the next pack of activities to allow the team working on the next step. They … Read more

I have found this blog, and I have read more than 10 articles without stop. Added to my reader, this guy is very eloquent and the background very good.

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