Year 4, Q3 books

During Q2 I’d been learning about Machine Learning on Kaggle. This quarter, and taking into account all things happened with my son Ariel (he had his heart operation), I have decided to focus on the writing a couple of books I have in my mind:

  • One notebook about Wardley maps.
  • One book about all happened with Ariel during these 23 months.

I’m not a writer and the process of writing and editing a book is something that has a lot of learning.

Both books will be in Spanish, let’s see in future if it makes sense to translate it into English.

The plan

So the V2MOM for this quarter will be:

  • Vision: Write the books before the end of 2021.
  • Values: have fun, do it with enough quality.
  • Method: read, build a scheme of the books, principles and structure, write the chapter and edit it…
  • Obstacles:
    • Time.
  • Measures:
    • Complete one of them.
    • Have advanced at least on the principles of the other one.

Death line = 30/September/2021

The results (October 2021)

  • I have completed the book of Ariel, and it’s going to be reviewed by different people till it’s completed.
  • I have started the notebook for Wardley Maps and I’m around 25% of progress of the initial table of contents.
  • I have found a good way to draw concepts of Wardley maps so the notebook is more visual.

I hope that they will be published during Q4 2021.

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