Crisis 2038, a novel by Gerald Huff

The name of this novel comes from the problem generated by 32-bit integer where the digital representation of the time in many digital systems goes from 00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970 to 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038. After that time these systems cannot encode more seconds. The book covers different angles of the … Read more

Idea de minicomunidades

De donde viene la idea Desde que empezó el confinamiento llevo tiempo pensando en como canalizar la energía de Javier y tratar de que los periodos de confinamiento, ya sean por Covid, porque está resfriado o por cualquier otra cosa, pues tenga algo donde poner el foco y fundamentalmente en que pueda interactuar con sus … Read more

RPA on wordpress

There is still not an RPA that could be installed and run on WordPress. I hope very soon there is someone that works on that and enable the automation of processes!!Some years ago the existence of a e-commerce solution on WordPress was not possible, but today is a reality, a very strong competitor for small … Read more

Banks and software companies

Imagine a bank that offers you a saving money application linked to your account, with different methods as kakebo, denying you to buy something if you surpassed the limit. They can organize that information, analyze it, build risk assessments on the market, sell the data… Whatever! Banks should start to compete in the digital arena … Read more

A mobile Application for avoiding orthographic errors

Orthographic errors are more and more usual. I see them everywhere, specially in social places (Facebook, twitter, Whats-app…). If you add that the person is using the mobile phone, then, the orthographic fault is certainly common. Turn actions into games is a proven tactic to promote habits. So I imagine an application installed your mobile, … Read more

Shark tank for project management

Five successful business people in the same room with a video camera, entrepreneurs with their projects come in and face the challenge to convince with its project and get a deal with some of them. Exposure, this is the first thought that came to my mind the first time I watched this show. You take … Read more


Nowadays it’s an overused word, you will find corporation speeches using this word 50 times because it shows a dynamic organization that is leading the market. Almost everybody is used to read between lines these corporate speeches, and you can feel that the use of the rhetoric is excessive: “hey guy!, isn’t that an oxymoron?” … Read more

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