Your first Plug-in

I was looking for a “how to” document to build a say ‘hello world’ plug-in and I found this article (Link) . After all I discovered that you don’t need it, you only have to create a new plug-in using one of the templates available with Eclipse 3.2. Great! now I have a big challenge, … Read more


I have a problem when I tried to make a search in a file cabinet: The case of use is: The user access to a file cabinet. The user clicks on “Search” action in the menu. The user introduces the selection of a search. The user obtains the following error message: “The Object’s application or … Read more


ExtJS is a popular Script Library that combines the existing Libraries Yahoo!, jQuery and Prototype + Scriptaculous. The result: you have a only way to create GUI components in your Web applications. If you want to have a quick look, visit the API and see the examples.

Intalio BPMS Designer

This month the Eclipse magazine includes an article about IntalioBPMS(*) Designer. This tool is a complete process design tool based fully on Eclipse technologies.It enables Business Analysts and IT developers to collaborate on the implementation of asame business process avoiding the translation loss usually observed in IT project. This tool includes a process analyst, a … Read more

From Domino.Doc to Quickr

I posted a question in Lotus Greenhouse to know the evolution of Domino.Doc —————————– Hello, is Quickr going to replace Domino.Doc? If true, which component or feature of Quickr will replace to it? Thanks in advance —————————–

To take account when you deploy a MDS Application

When you complete the development od your application, you have to publish it from the BlackBerry MDS Studio to an application repository. To do it, an administrators register the applications with the BlackBerry MDS Services on the BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES). After the application is published and registered, administrator can make it available to BlackBerry … Read more

Developing with MDS Studio

Before to work with the WSDL of my application I deployed a simple Web Service. It’s so useful to learn how the tool organizes the code. If you don’t want to do it, at least before to change the work flow of the final user, be sure to know how the MDS Studio organizes the … Read more