Books delivered in different days

I purchased 8 copies of a book I wrote for a training course I organized. It’s not the first time I do this, but this time something fun happens. Seven have been delivered (“entregado”), one is delayed (“demorado”). In a tweeted I sent I added “#Amazon” as hashtag asking: “I would love to understand the … Read more

Amazon Tours

Today I did the virtual tour offered by Amazon. In Spain is an event where you visit some sections of Barcelona, Madrid and Sevilla fulfilment centers. It’s very interesting for understanding some basic things about how the work is divided, structured and industrialized to the limit. You just see what’s being done in the fulfilment … Read more

Creation of Products in Amazon

These lines are written as notes from the book “Working backwards“. It focuses on how the authors described how they build products as Kindle, Fire… You can perfectly tell me: this is done by many companies. And you are right. My point is to represent this process using Wardley Maps and highlight some important aspects … Read more

AWS Honeycode

Honeycode is the low-code service in beta version being implemented by Amazon. Things I have noticed: The features are very basic, the templates available basic too. The customers using it are not top tier customers. It’s beta. The number of vacancies opened in is low and last role available is from April 2022. The … Read more

Print on Demand Services

Since 2015 – 2018 there are different print on demand services available around the world that enable designers to produce and commercialize their products in different geographic areas. The main products sold on this way are shirts, pullover hoddies, zip hoddies and other type of textile products. There are other vendors that offer mugs, caps, … Read more

Making decisions patterns

This is a card for my poor memory about practical ways to make decisions. The Eisenhower Decision Matrix The classic: Making decisions as in Amazon This is not an official way to make decisions in Amazon, but I found it in “Working Backwards” book and I find it useful. Mindset to adopt depending on the … Read more

Amazon, press release process

This is an example of the gameplay press release process, focused on how Amazon does it (basic explanation). During late 2020 we saw in many electronic press that Amazon was launching an online pharmacy and that it has discounts for prime users. For example this one: The reaction? the first reaction has been that companies … Read more

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