Why do you need a PMO?

Reading about the implementation of a PMO, first phase needed is to create the conditions for change. As part of it, there is the need o creating a sense of urgency and economic value.

Some general remarks to create this need:

  • Failures in projects (low trust, bad income…),
  • High time + energy consumption for upper-managers,
  • People is overloaded for long temp,
  • Do no create the number of people that upper-managers “do not want them as PM”,
  • Avoid mushroom management,

The main reason remarked in 2 sources is to build a PMO should be “to prevent large projects failures”.

As almost everything in a company, one of the key for a success starting of any idea, is that the idea grow up from direction, better if the idea is told by them 🙂

Reading about all this issues I see that the preparation phase is going to be longer than I expected.

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