Prestashop admin user does not log in

My Prestashop’s admin user does not log in into the back-office, I have checked the password is right and I still cannot go in. The error message is: “There is one error. the employee does not existor the password is wrong” Reset Prestashop admin password I have followed these steps recommended by different forums: Look in … Read more

How to move Prestashop to a new server

If you want to move Prestashop from one server to other, this guide is the more complete one. In addition to me, I created a parking DNS to redirect the DNS from 1 hosting provider to other without change the domain contract. I had an issue when uploading the SQL database because it was … Read more

Prestashop, multistore

I am trying to configure a multistore on Prestashop I create the new environment, I configure the virtual address and I can hide modules for this specific store. I can also create categories and products. My issue: I cannot visualize the store, it only shows the top layer. There is not “body” 🙁 I … Read more

Prestashop cache, disable it!

This is the summary, I had to disable the cache from Prestashop. The cache mechanism from Prestashop is a different thing from the CDN. To avoid confusion, I have activated a CDN and this works fine delivering the static content of the store (images, js, css, etc). The  issue is the internal cache system from … Read more

Prestashop, changing configuration e-mail

I have changed the name of my shop in Preferences / Contact and shops, there is nothing to do, these values ​​do not change. I enter again and the old values come back again. I was reviewing the php file and I found that the configuration values that where not working was: PS_SHOP_EMAIL. I accessed … Read more

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