Why Strategy matters, capabilities-driven Strategy

I found this series of 3 videos in Strategy& (just 16 minutes) Part 1: Why strategy matters, Part 2: Take your strategy from paper to pavement, Part 3: Transform your company and your industry. This launched me to look for Capabilities-Driven Strategy: It’s June, I finished the book, I liked the examples and the differentiation … Read more

Destructive and constructive actions

When change is required, and you are defining the actions you want to put in place, you have to define properly the actions and its sequence. In the same way the see builds the line of the coast with destructive and constructive waves, on a transformation program or change initiative you can have these two … Read more

Strategy analysis of environment

Understand your business environment is key when defining the approach of your strategy, the way you want to promote the change, penetrate a new market or just achieve your goal. Can I predict it? Can I shape it? Can I survive in it? Can I change it? What are my limits? For each type of … Read more

Donkey and Carrot in modern corporate life

What can you do with a current vendor who is not part of your future vendor strategy road map? Vendor management strategy is composed by complex set of actions based on basic principles and tactics. You have a current scenario, and you define future set of alliances with respect your portfolio of assets. Nothing new … Read more

Are you taking care of your career?

I found this picture that summarizes very well how the evolution of the work as we know today has changed, at least in the professional services environment that is where I work. Apart of these perspectives, I would like to highlight some others. You are a company, what is your value proposition? You have to … Read more

Tools for value chain mapping

I already have used these maps, and I continue drawing drafts and ideas in my notebook. The value chain maps are evolving. In one hand you can find an open site were you can create and contribute to the creation of a tool for drawing the maps. http://www.wardleymaps.com/contribute.html Update March 2018 You can find the … Read more

My improvement initiative is not moving

Plan a strategy is easy if you assume that all stakeholders are going to accept the changes immediately. But this never is the case; to remove these hurdles you have to plan how to face these change stoppers. Other factor to take in consideration is speed: In the same way that when developing software you … Read more

Business Process Reengineering

Passion for strategy and tactics comes from different origins, some people find it playing chess, some other have a natural talent; in my case the interest comes from the days I played basketball. Companies are in continuous change, and the way they are re-organized is something it always fascinates me. Business change and that makes … Read more

Cobit, a way to track decisions

COBIT is seen by some IT people as a new trend and something we all should have in our organizations, bla, bla, bla… But, who promotes COBIT or other governance models? The answer is easy: The business. They are fed up of spending money on IT transformations, changes of provider, investments on pilots, and any … Read more