Business Requirements Vs Final Solution

Working in a requirements definition process and the negotiation, mainly, of the tripe constraint, we are focusing the definition of the requirements as processes in order to identify properly the processes and their needs. One of the parts of our discussions is the posterior approach of this processes in the design and development phases and … Read more

Managing the Gray Areas

I have viewed this Webinar from RMC Project, presented by Jerry Manas. A Gray Area is a term for a border in-between two or more things that is not clearly defined, a border that is hard to define or even impossible to define, or a definition where the distinction border tends to move. Jerry does … Read more

Technical Risk

The problem of security in the Lotus WSDL was fixed thanks to some of the links below and the changes we did on the server configuration. With it, this technical risk of the project is mitigated, now we have to go to the next one. These kind of risks cause usually delay in the project … Read more

Secure WSDL in Lotus, MDS Forum

I have been doing some Searchs on the Blackberry MDS Forum in order to get information about the problem of access to a secure WSDL published in Lotus Domino Server. Some of the more interesting links for me are: This offers an easy way to fix it link, This other reminds us that we need … Read more

Lotus & Blackberry with MDS Studio

We are studying how to deploy lotus applications with MDS Studio & WSDL. The starting was easy, but the real problem has started when we have tested the security of the Blackberry device to the Lotus Notes database. We have been investigating about the Lotus Notes sessions creation and there is no easy way to … Read more

Reach, Enabling Flexibility to the current Processes

One of the big deals we are facing about REACh is the fact that we need to change some business processes to allow the integration of the REACh compliance tools in our customers. We need to trace the path from the existing manual or non-existent processes to the proposed business management we offer with our … Read more

Ubuntu + Firefox

I continue having Performance Problems with Fire fox I have performed Tips described here, Let’s see how they work!! In this other entry , they advise about other changes. One question, is Faster Fox the answer to my problem??