Get strategic about IT as a business value generator

Reviewing some COTs defined by our Customer, there are some of them under a category named: ‘the hackett world-class’. Looking for more information I visited the Corporate Site and as the basic list of best practices was not enough, I tried to get another references from other Web Sites. This business advisory firm, is a … Read more

Best Practices of Agile focused on Management

Take into account I’m learning about it, but I would like to summarize a short list of thoughts: Customers have to be active part of the project. They have to be involved in each revision of the project and take decisions about the scope of the project, approach, tailoring… The intermediate deliveries with working functionality … Read more

Who is against Reach?

As you can imagine, the path to approve REACH legislation has not been easy. Greenpeace report shows how the chemicals industry is fighting to maintain its privilege position in the use chemicals substances without adequate control of the Use, Exposure and waste of them. Stages:1.- Deny the Problem,2.- Create fear over job looses and economic … Read more

Creative Live Cam Notebook does not work on Ubuntu

After 3 months with Ubuntu, the only thing that I cannot get working is the Web Cam. The camera is: Creative Live Cam Notebook. I have installed linux-headers-2.6.22-14-generic. After that I installed “gspcav1-20071224.tar.gz” from this link To do this I have followed the instructions from help.ubuntu Then the lsusb output is:Bus 005 Device 001: ID … Read more

Questions for interviews

When you are applying to a job you receive thousand of questions, but there is a moment when you have to make some questions too. Why does this role matter to the growth of the company? Could I meet some of the people I’d be working with? Why has the person in this role decided … Read more

Summary’s Tips

In college I usually used the Summaries for helping me in study. I usually had a summary for each chapter and it was always what I used for reviewing the guidelines of the whole chapter. When I started to use the blog and the internet as tool for my work I always like to review … Read more

Close, close, close!!!

There is a moment in the software projects where you have to change the pace and the main goal of the work you are developing with the team. First, you are working in different functionalities separately and you need the team open their minds looking for technical solutions that make the project reach the defined … Read more

Some mistakes I have made

During the Project I’m currently managing I’m learning about some practices that I should improve. Basically these are: I had to define the third level of the WBS, only two levels were not enough, with three levels some assignments should be clearer and the monitoring of the project should be easy for me. The estimation … Read more