Why do you need a PMO?

Reading about the implementation of a PMO, first phase needed is to create the conditions for change. As part of it, there is the need o creating a sense of urgency and economic value. Some general remarks to create this need: Failures in projects (low trust, bad income…), High time + energy consumption for upper-managers, … Read more

Why PMOs Implementations fails?

I have been reading about this issue becuase it’s important to learn where other failed in order to try to avoid it. Mainly it’s due to different combinations of factors: Understimating scope of organizational change needed, lack of methodology while managing projects, Insuficient time to develop competent proffesionals, Bad timing, Inadequate or insuficient change management … Read more

Preparing PMO Approach

There are a lot of expectations in the creation of the PMO in our site. They want a PMO; they don’t know what it is and what not, but they want one. In this scenario where expectations are so high, the first thing to do is to manage them. At this time I think I … Read more

Building a PMO

Build a PMO will be one of my new responsibilities during next months. It’s not going to be easy but it’s a great challenge that I really need. What would be the starting point for this PMO? The starting point is that there are some good business reasons to create this PMO: local market, growth … Read more

Start with no

I was looking for an useful book about how to approach a negotiation. I found this one: start with no by Jim Camp. Some notes taken while I have read: You don’t need to close this deal, You “want”, you don’t “need”, Don’t worry about rejection, Do “cold” calls no “hot” calls, Negotiation never ends, … Read more

All Conditions changes (financial for instance)

Working on Projects with financial complexity is being harder with the financial crisis. If you were thinking that financial constrains are fixed, you are wrong. At least for me they are not. Even the big agreements are being revised. I have more work to do, but really risk control and financial departments are the ones … Read more

Performing Project Tailoring

You have just received a new potential project and you start working with it. You have business requirements, backgrounds, a brief list of some stakeholders and a lot of questions. As not all projects are the same thing, the project tailoring is the process that will allow you to identify the category of the project, … Read more

ITIL Foundations v3

This week I have assisted to a training about ITIL foundations.The session started as a bored teorical training session about a framework, and taking into account that all the concepts were known by me, the first hours were hard.I was sitted with a colleague that also know CMMI so we were all the session relating … Read more