Learn with me

Learning is the process of acquiring new understanding, knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, and preferences. It’s not just to complete courses, it requires practice and go to beyond reading a book or completing a training course.

Learning sprints

For that reason, I conduct learning sprints (or slots). This is how I organize my sprints.

How are they defined?

  • Defined with V2MOM model.
  • To be in a natural quarter: Q1, Q2, Q3, Q4.
  • Document the different learns.

These are the sprints I have completed:

Any suggestion for future sprints?

Training Courses,

On this link there are the detailed list of training courses I have completed during my career. I have a TO-DO list for this year.


I listen podcasts in a regular way. These are the ones I have listened or I am engaged right now.


The table below contains the different certifications I obtained,

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